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Hello everyone and welcome!

wellness-13290751I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! This sure has been a very magical Christmas for me in a few ways and I am truly blessed and grateful and give thanks to "Spirit" in a huge way. Have you all started on your New Years resolutions yet? LOL. I always inform people that you should start your resolutions the day after your birthday because its your day after all not the world in general. It’s more personal to do it on your birthday, but that's just how I think. Making resolutions are very exciting to reflect back to see what changes you want to indeed make in your life!

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Predictions for 2014

I am feeling that 2014 will be a year where more people will tune into what their soul is telling them.

2014 horse

They will be taking more time out to reflect on what is important and what is not important in their life and clearing things out that no longer serve their higher self. Because of what has happened the past few years, I feel people are starting to get more involved with making some big decisions in their life and walking away from dramas that no one needs to keep in their life so they can find more spiritual contentment within.

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